Spring 1997   

GA unleashes mv.BASE

In early January 1997, General Automation, Inc (GA) announced the launch of its latest product, mv.BASE.

Formerly known by its project name, Aspen, mv.BASE is a Multi-Value-compliant database application environment for Windows NT Server, Windows NT Workstation and Windows 95. It provides a complete development environment with support for Client/Server, based on a high-performance multidimensional database engine. Main features include:

According to GA, the goal of mv.BASE Release 1.0 is to provide a MultiValue database for NT and Win95 that holds to the basic design characteristics of the original MultiValue architecture whilst making use of the latest computing technologies. It is intended to provide users with a clear path to Client/Server computing without sacrificing their original investment in hardware, software and staff skills.

General Automation, Inc
17731 Mitchell North
CA 92614
Tel: +(800) 854 0140
Fax: +(949) 752 6777

Last Updated: 30 June 1999

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