Summer 1998   

End of the road for R83 and AP

Pick Systems has issued a Marketing Bulletin to its VARs and resellers announcing the end of the road for R83 and Advanced Pick products. If you are using any of these products, the crucial dates for your diary are as follows:

30th September 1998: Neither AP Native nor R83 will be sold or supported after this date.

30th September 1999: All other Advanced Pick products will cease to be available or be supported after this date.

The bulletin states:

"As we progress, some of the older versions of our technologies need to be replaced in favour of newer versions. This allows Pick Systems, our VARs and end users to take advantage of newer hardware and software capabilities so that everyone remains competitive."

It goes on to actively encourage VARS and end users to migrate to D3, stressing the benefits of taking advantage of the performance of the latest generation of processors, better interoperability and state-of-the-art software platforms.

There will be some changes to ordering and support procedures as these products enter their end-of-life phase:

Overall the message is clear: Pick Systems will be concentrating its efforts on D3 in the run-up to the new Millennium, so anyone using older versions of Pick - especially those still on R83 - had better start reviewing their IT systems, and fast.


Pick Systems Limited (UK)
Cowdray House
2-4 High Street
Chalfont St Peter
Sl9 9QA
Tel: (01753) 891800
Fax: (01753) 891801

Last Updated: 31 October 1998

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