Autumn 1998   

Mid-Suffolk District Council standardises its core computer systems with MDIS

MDIS, the British computing solutions and services provider, has signed a £138,000 services contract with Mid-Suffolk District Council to standardise all of its applications onto a single platform.

MDIS will provide an 18 gigabyte Data General file server, running DG UNIX with an MDIS Reality database for the core IT systems. Some 200 users at the council’s offices in Needham Market, Suffolk, will use the Reality database to access and administer applications such as council tax, finance, housing and payroll.

John Spurgeon, IT Director, Mid-Suffolk District Council, explained: "Centralising our IT systems is crucial to Mid-Suffolk District Council being able to provide a service to rate payers quickly and efficiently. Their understanding of the requirements of the public sector and ease of developing systems helps the council make best use of resources."

Malcolm Fowler, Director of MDIS’ Public Sector Group, stated: "Public sector IT departments are keen to make better use of existing systems and integrate them across other organisations, in line with the government’s Best Value policy on public sector outsourcing. But this raises complex strategic and technology issues that in-house IT departments can find difficult to tackle. This is where broad experience of a company like MDIS can be invaluable to achieving objectives to Best Value principles."


MDIS Group plc
Boundary Way
Hemel Hempstead
Tel: (01442) 232424
Fax: (01442) 274516

Last Updated: 31 October 1998

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