New Year 1998   


JA Computing (JAC) are the authors of jBASE™ and jBASE OBjEX™ products.

The jBASE™ database migrates a Pick application to UNIX and Microsoft Windows. While the BASIC syntax and development environment is retained, jBASE transparently converts the BASIC code into C making the application a native peice of machine code. jBASE™ uses the latest memory mapping techniques and complementary file layouts to exploit the best I/O throughput your hardware can provide. Transaction journalling is also provided with full commit and rollback ability.

The OBjEX 3.0™ is essentially a complete implementation of jBASE via ActiveX™ components. OBjEX plugs in as a standard component to Visual Basic™, Microsoft Office™, Active Server Pages™, Visual Studio 97™ and any other OLE container. You gain the power of the NF2 database and the flexibility of Microsoft Windows and ActiveX.

For example a jBASE developer can add Visual BAsic and Delphi to his/her development toolset and manipulate the MultiValue data via those tools. Further, OBjEX also allows direct integration of the MultiValue data with applications such as Excel and Word 97.

To browse this web site to full advantage you really wish to be using Internet Explorer so that you can enjoy the ActiveX controls. The site contains three main areas:

Sales and Marketing
This consists of full explanations of the jBASE family of products. It is comprehensive yet easy to read. There is even a comparison of OBjEX and Universe Objects, written by a third party.
The newly-released jBASE Journal has just appeared which makes good background reading for those interested in jBASE and its rapidly increasing user base.

Technical Information
The wealth of technical information included in this site makes it of extreme interest to existing users.
It includes technical support issues, hints, tips and on-line documentation via their ‘Knowledge Base’. The Knowledge Base section of the web site includes a search facility and menus with submenus which makes it extremely easy to find relevant articles and tips. The jBASE site is a truly working web site with hints and content constantly updated.

Third Party Links
The third party links are few and far between but are extremely relevant. For example:

The links to jBASE resellers around the globe is again relevant to the business of jBASE distribution and support.

This is a nice site which is of use and interest to both existing and potential customers. It incorporates a number of features including: ActiveX, frames, animated gifs, menus and searching facilities. Rather than using the same style throughout, JAC have thought about the requirements for each section and used the relevant techniques to the best advantage. This makes the site easy to use and sections not over complicated unnecessarily. Overall, a neat, workable and well planned site making use of all the latest facilities the Internet has to offer.

Elkie Holland

Last Updated: 30 June 1999

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