Summer 1998   

Malcolm Bull Training & Consultancy

It has been some years since I truly explored this site. I know the most useful pages (goodies) on this site from my personal business viewpoint and knew that this was a site worthy of review.

So, I entered via the home page and was immediately struck by the visuals or lack of them! No fancy graphics - no animated gifs - no tables - no frames - no site navigation bar. For the fun surfers, I believe they would surf straight on out of there looking for thrills elsewhere.

However, for the information-seeking, business surfer, it could be considered to be a refreshing delight to have fast loading pages without the dings and whistles.

The home page gives the impression of verbosity but on reading, you notice that the text is all relevant and useful and that it follows a good strict discipline of necessary relevant information only.

This site includes information on:

AND the real goodie on this site is: MB-Cyclopaedia. MB-Cyclopaedia is an On-line Reference Service: a general reference document on the Internet covering all MultiValue topics from technical information and reference to corporate information and link sites. The index on the home page indicates the entry where each alphabetic section begins. Non-alphabetic entries appear at the front of Section A. In order to maintain speedy loading, certain alphabetical sections have been split over several pages.

MB-Cyclopaedia contains entries for several MultiValue systems. However, unless indicated otherwise, all examples apply to Advanced Pick & D³ systems and may not apply to some MultiValue systems.

MB-Cyclopaedia is based upon material in the books Access: The Pick Enquiry Language, This Is Advanced Pick, This Is Access on Advanced Pick, This Is Basic on Advanced Pick, This Is RetrieVe, Basic: The Pick Programming Language by Malcolm Bull and on the various MB-Guide Beginner’s Guides, and other publications by Malcolm Bull.

Check this out and get your site details added to it!!!

The site has remained well organised and therefore is still easy to surf around without the assistance of a standard site navigation bar although at times, I did still miss this. Overall, I would conclude that this site is methodical but unglamorous with the emphasis on content!

The MB-Cyclopaedia is a fabulous service to our community and the task must have been extremely daunting at the start. A good idea which for many would have got through the design, the planning and some of the development.

Congratulations Malcolm on completing and implementing such a mammoth project and community service.

Elkie Holland


Last Updated: 14 July 1999

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